Usless Trigun facts that won't cure AIDs, won't increase your brain capacity (if not lower it), won't remove those hard to get stains, won't win noble prizes, and basically does nothing useful at all. However this section will give you strange and interesting things to consider about Trigun and give an idea of how much of a life (cough) I have since I spent so much time researching these facts. Have fun and if you have anymore interesting facts or any comments to add feel free to email me.
1)Useless fact number 1: Have you ever noticed that in the third volume of Trigun "Wolfwood" on the second episode the name of the town that Vash's bus was headed towards was "Mei city?" (spelled M-E-I city),but when they actually arrived to the city it was spelled May city (spelled M-A-Y). What's up with that?!? I'm not sure if it is spelled wrong in the Japanese version but I do know they were slippin up in the English dubbed version. Also when Woolfwood is leaving the town in the same episode the same sign which was spelled M-A-Y had miracously changed to spell M-E-I. Okay I know that's a stupid fact but just check out that tape to see how many more times the spelling changes (I promise it will). I know, I know I have no life. 2) Useless fact number 2: You know the little kitty off Trigunright? Probably because the little kitty is in every episode of Trigun except for two episodes. Can you guess which ones? It's like playing Where's Waldo aye? 3) Useless fact number 3: Did you know that the same person who makes Vash's voice (Onosaka Masaya) in the Japanese language version of Trigun is the same person who makes Kero's voice from Cardcaptors? 4) Useless fact number 4: Did you know that the same person who makes Vash's voice (Johnny Young Bosch) in the Enlish dubbed version of Trigun was the former green and black power ranger Adam (Go Go power Vashie!). Alas they are both so adorable. 5) Useless fact number5: Here's a disturbing fact, did you know that the same person who makes Wolfwood's voice (Jeff Nimoy) in the English dubbed version of Trigun is also the same person who makes the voice of Kabuterimon from Digimom! |