Here is Vash and his two best friends.........I'm not so sure if Vash likes Meryl all that mush. 
Name: Vash the Stampede aka Humanoid typhoon, Tongari, and Ericks Age: A little over 131 years (at least when the anime first begins) Birthdate: July 21st Eyecolor: Light blue green Hair color: Blonde Hieght: I'd have to say a little more than 6ft Wieght: about 186 lbs Weapon: Silver six-shooter revolver, boot knife, hidden gun in his left arm(gets upgraded to amachine gun later), One Angel Arm Quote: Love and Peace Favirote food: Doughnuts because they make the world go round! Basic description: Vash has light blue eyes, a mole beneath his left eye, brilliant blonde hair that he usually wears spiked up, and a real friendly smile. He wears a distinct red leathery trenchoat that he normally buttons up to his neck and rolls the left sleeve halfway up. Under the coat he wears a dark suit of unknown fabric with many small belts and straps that end at his gloved hands. His boots are also very distinct and have blades hidden within them. Vash also travels with a large cylnder-like bag where he carries various articles of clothing and other stuff. He also wears the signature orange Vash sunglasses and has a belt for his gun holster. Character: Vash has got to be one of the most dynamic characters in the anime world. For Vash, first impressions are not his best quality. When people first meet Vash they expect to meet an evil criminal humaniod typhoon who's so horrible he has a 60 billion double dollar bounty on his head, but instead people are usually appalled or in complete denial that this woman chasing, doughnut loving, whiny, goofy gunman, lunatic clown is actually the one and only Vash the Stampede. However despite a "few" character flaws Vash is quite a superb gunman and always manages to drag himself out (sometimes literally) the worse situations imaginable. Sadly but true Vash is a guy who makes idiocy look cool. Vash can also be a pretty serious guy and has good reason to be considering his horrible past life (which I won't give away right now). I mean here's a guy who doesn't even deserve half of the suffering he's gone through (poor Vash). Vash is often seen with a cheerful smile on his face but most of the time it's pretty evident his silly antics are nothing more than a guise used to shield his true inner suffering and fool the people around him and sometimes himself. In short Vash is a sweet sensitive guy who at times can be pretty niave (especially for someone who's been alive for over a century). Although he'd rather live a normal life Vash will always continue to look towards his future and fight for "love and peace."

Name: Nicholas D. Wolfwood First appearance: Episode 9 "Murder Machine" Age: about 28 Birthdate: ??? Eyecolor: dark blue Hair color: black Hieght: A little more than 6ft Weapon: the thing that is in his hands is it. Job: Catholic priest ('er' sort of) Quote: May God be with you Favitote food: If he could eat them it would probably be cigarettes Basic description:The "Cross Punisher", which is the large cross wrapped in cloth and belt straps that Wolfwood always carries. It conceals guns in a hidden compartment and is actually two guns itself. One side of the cross fires a projectile and the other is a machine gun. very kool. Character: When Wolfwood first appears on the scene he seems like a harmless priest (well if you disregard the way he kept up with Vash when they were rescuing the girl and the way he handled that gun and when he......well okay it was pretty clear from the start he was no ordinary priest). Later it is determined that (!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!) Wolfwood was indeed no ordinary priest and was infact working for the Gun ho Guns and was technically a Gun ho Gun himself (he sure was good enough to be a Gun ho Gun why I bet Wolfwood could of kept Vash on his toes better than the other Gun ho Gun's did). Wolfwood was a student of Chaple the Evergreen and was sent by Knives to protect and then eventually kill Vash of course Wolfwood became too close to Vash to actually follow through with Knives's orders (!!!END OF SPOILER ALERT!!!). Anyways although Wolfwood is priest he won't hesitate to kill another person if he feels they are a threat to him (Thou shall now kill Wolfwood "what the hell kind of priest are you" as Vash would say). Now this doesn't exactly make Wolfwood a hypocrite though the only reason why Wolfwood lives his life the way he does is so that other children won't have to grow up and suffer like him. This is the reason why Wolfwood works for the Gun ho Guns. The Gun ho Guns are the people who sponsor the church/orphanage that Wolfwood is in charge of. Deep down inside Wolfwood is not much differnt than Vash. Wolfwood even admits to Vash that Vash reminds him of everything he hates about himself. (not really a decent priest though. Let's just say Wolfwood is the kind of person the priest at church warn you about. I mean what kind of priest smokes about 24/7 and handles his liquor better than any other person I've met before). At times Wolfwood loses his way and get's confused. It isn't until Wolfwood meets Vash that he finds his way again. I'd have to say Wolfwood has his own unique style (as violent and crude as it is) but I still have to admit he is one of my favirote characters (next to Vash of course). 
Name: Meryl Stryfe aka Derringer Meryl Age: 24 Eye color: blue-grey Hair color: black Hieght: 5ft somethin Weapon: 50 derringer pistols undr her cape Quote: She doesn't really have one but if she did I'm sure it would involve alot of yelling and hitting Vash Favirote food: Bannana sundaes Job: Bernardelli Insurance claims assistant Basic decription: Meryl is pretty short and has short black hair (I guess everything about her is short, now don't be sick okay). She's usually seen wearing a white suite with a white cape. If you ask me her outfit and what she's hidin under her cape she is not all that cool (like I said don't be sick you bunch of perves). Character: Meryl is basically a laid back easy going type of girl (okay okay I can't fool the Trigun fans out there). Seriously Meryl is a lady who probably had one too many cups of cofee. Her temper is pretty much off the deep end and she is almost always yelling at Vash (although there might be some alteriave reasons for that tehe). Despite Meryl's short fuse Meryl is a pretty sensible and kindhearted person. I suppose the only reason Meryl has such a bad temper is because Meryl is a type of person who likes to get to business and do it in the quickest and most sensible way as possible. The fact that Meryl lives in such a lawless planet and hangs out with the world's most reckless guy probably does not help her nerves. In short Meryl is a sweet sensitive lady who just likes to keep things in order. However I wouldn't suggest that you cross her otherwise you might have to face the wrath of Meryl, Vash does alot. 
Name: Milly Thompson aka Stun Gun Milly Age: I have absolutely no idea Eye color: blue Hair color: brown Hieght: about 6 feet Weapon: Huge stun gun Quote: As my big sister always says..... Favirote food: pudding Job: Bernardelli Insurance claims assistant Basic description: She's tall I mean really tall for a girl and built almost like a guy. I guess she's this way since in her home town she did alot of manual labor. She's usually seen wearing a brown and white suite with a brown tie. She also wears a blue shall thingy with a yellow dress that cover ups her suite. Character: Milly has got to be the most sweetest person on the show. She has a really kind heart but not too many brains. I don't really want to say Milly is stupid, but I suppose you can kind of call her a dits. She has the mind and heart of child which isn't a bad thing. With the eyes of child Milly can see and understand things which the other characters on the show can't see. Her way of living is simple but to people like Vash and Wolfwood her way of life is pretty complex and almost impossible. Many people misunderstand Milly's simplicity and just think of her as being stupid but if people actually stopped and listened to her they'd probably realize Milly's smarter than she knows. Vash even admitted once that Milly would be a dangerous person if she actually knew how smart she was. In short Milly is a kind hearted child trapped in a (really) big kids body. |